UHNW and HNW Women: Three Ways Your HNW Woman Mindset Is Curtailing You From Being You And Making You Happy

UHNW and HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching

Three Ways Your HNW Woman Mindset Is Curtailing You From Being You
And Making You HAPPY



As an UHNW or HNW woman in your own right, through your hard work, through relationships that became a struggle or turned sour, you find yourself at times having to deal with mindset struggles triggered by a memory, a scent, a phrase, a characteristic, a familiar situation, an environment. Did you know that these mindset struggles were laid during your early years as a child. In general, between the ages of eight and 12 years old. Struggling to attract happiness is a waste of your time. Struggling to attract fulfilment in your life is a waste of time. Struggling to initiate mutually beneficial relationships is a waste of your time. You should not have to be struggling. These aspects of your life should come smoothly to you with joy and grace.

Let me help you so you can smile when you think of rising. Feel the satisfaction of your new smile pour into your life account and feel secure because your new relationship with your life can work.

UHNW and HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching

The three ways that your HNW Woman mindset is curtailing you, is through…

1. Not Letting You Be Who You Are: In other words, not letting yourself be seen to shine and sparkle at a fullest potential. Keeping your guard up, maintaining a wall/barrier around yourself to ward off emotional and physical rejection as well as coercive and abusive relationships across various situations.

2. Not Letting You See Your Value: The essence of who you are. The strength and brightness of your unstoppable Self.

3. Not Letting You Receive: Where you are being bypassed or sidelined and value is given to others. Where you are being avoided to receive value from a situation and others are seen as more favourable.

UHNW and HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching

In addition to highlighting the three ways that your HNW Woman mindset is curtailing you, it is also mindful that you know about “HOW TO breakthrough to better initiatives to aid your UHNW / HNW position” using the Bundle Luxury Affluence Chemistry Key (BLACK) CARE System.


C is for concentrating on the wide reaching aspect of BLACK

A is for acknowledging the wide reaching aspect of BLACK

R is for responding on the wide reaching aspect of BLACK

E is for encouraging growth on the wide reaching aspect of BLACK

This CARE system is particularly useful if you are going through an upheaval in your personal and professional life.

Where there is a dis-ease or discord in your personal life.

Where there is a dis-ease or discord in your professional life.


B includes the amount, collection and package component of the initiative that you use.

L includes the pleasure, comfort and well-being component of the initiative that you use.

A includes the abundance, ease and supplying component of the initiative that you use.

C includes the attraction, composition and actioning component of the initiative that you use.

K includes the basic, pivotal, decisive and device component of the initiative that you use.

UHNW and HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching


To further help you stop struggling and start thriving, take a few minutes to answer the following Releasing My Obstacles Questions:

1. What is the first thing that you can recall about obstacles/barriers as you were growing up?

2. What do you remember seeing, hearing and feeling from family and friends about obstacles/barriers as you were growing up?

3. Was there a particular incident concerning an emotional or physical obstacle/barrier as you were growing up? What happened?

3a. With reference to the previous question. If you do not remember a particular incident simply focus on the sentiments, thoughts and feelings that you had at the time.

4. What did you realise or decide as a result of the incident as you were growing up?

5. How has this obstacle impacted upon your life as you were growing up?

This exercise of going through your Releasing Obstacles Questions can help you to see where your obstacles through your growing experiences came from. It is not a question of IF YOU NEED to reset your subconscious mind to allow happiness and other beautiful aspects into your life, it is a question of WHEN. Also the smallest of obstacles/barriers are equally as important as the momentous ones. For some UHNW and HNW women, even more so.

As an UHNW or HNW woman in your own right, through your hard work, through relationships that became a struggle or turned sour, you find yourself at times having to deal with mindset struggles triggered by a memory, a scent, a phrase, a characteristic, a familiar situation, an environment. Struggling to attract happiness is a waste of your time. Struggling to attract fulfilment in your life is a waste of time. Struggling to initiate mutually beneficial relationships is a waste of your time. You should not have to be struggling. These aspects of your life should come smoothly to you with joy and grace. They should be fluid.

Face Everything And RISE coaching can help you to stop struggling and start thriving. I invite you to join me through one of the packages below.

Take a sneak peek and decide upon which best suits you. When you are ready, email me.


http://www.RiseandTrustCoaching.blogspot.com http://www.RisetoEscapeCoaching.blogspot.com http://www.RISEandSucceedCoaching.blogspot.com

Warning! Only click on the link if you are in a hurry to engage yourself with 1-to-1 RISE coaching transformation to iron out a particular lifestyle status circumstance, due to an imminent professional, social or private situation that requires immediate attention.

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